Bard Chat

Chat Class

Make sure you read through the Authentication page first, if you haven't already.

An easy way to continue a chat with Bard.


import Bard from "bard-ai";
let myBard = new Bard(COOKIE);
let myChat = myBard.createChat({ ...ids });
console.log(await myChat.ask("How are you?"));
console.log(await myChat.ask("What's the last thing I said?"));


idsobjectUsed for importing a previous conversation. If left blank, creates a new conversation.


Create a new conversation with the following code:

let myBard = new Bard(COOKIE);
let myChat = myBard.createChat();


Asks something to the current Chat() instance.


import Bard from "bard-ai";
let myBard = new Bard(COOKIE);
let myChat = myBard.createChat({ ...ids });
console.log(await myChat.ask("What is 1+1?"));
console.log(await myChat.ask("What is 1 more than that value?"));


Call the .ask() method asynchronously (with an await) on the same instance of Bard.Chat. That way, it will remember what was previously said. This is similar to continuing a "Chat" in ChatGPT.

The Chat.ask() method has the exact same API as Bard.ask() (in fact, they call the same function under the hood). This means that it also supports the same config. Check the documentation for Bard.ask() for more information.


Exports the current conversation. Go to Importing/Exporting Chats to learn more.